How my family got started on Zetox...

A lot of people have been asking me about the mineral supplement that I've been giving to my cats, and is also being taken by my sister for RA (arthritis), my Dad (who's in his 80's) for general health and knee pain, myself for diabetes, a growing number of friends for different ailments - the list keeps growing and growing! I'm so excited about this mineral called Zeolite (the liquid is called Zetox). This mineral is used for people and animals.
Here is the website for the mineral: This mineral saved my cat's life. There is no other explanation for what happened. The mineral can be purchased below if you are interested in buying some for yourself or your pets.
One day in February 2013 - I heard what sounded like a cat on a piece of wood - and scratching as you tipped the wood over - as if the cat were trying to stay on the wood. That was my interpretation of the sound. My husband convince me that it was just the snow falling off of the roof. I said.."yea, could be"...and left it at that. The next day, Sammy my beautiful cat, ran through the house - extremely frightened - running low to the ground. Then he cried this horrible cry. I thought there was an animal outside so I ran to the windows - but didn't see anything. Then he did the same thing the next day and I noticed a drop of drool on his chin. So I picked him up and held him in my arms...that's when I realized that the scratching noise - came from him.
His nails were gone - completely - as if someone filed them down to nothing. Only 1 nail partially remained - and had been bleeding because it was cracked in half. So I now knew that scratching noise was from Sammy...but why?
Then he started having seizures - every hour, every day. Some days he had 10, other days he had them every 45 minutes. Sammy went on to have a few "grandmal" seizures. What a frightening thing to watch. His body twisted and flipped, his breathing was labored, foam dripping from his mouth...and the fear in his eyes...I will never forget. He went to the emergency a couple of times. He was put on Phenobarbital for seizures. Pheno as they call it - is not something that I wanted my cat to "have to live with" as the answer to his seizures. He was still having seizures even with the drug - and that one nail he had left - he pulled it out during another seizure - the vet said he de-clawed himself. I actually saw him chewing on his nail after a seizure but I thought he was just cleaning his foot. The veterinarian - Dr. Braun - was great at Catzablanca Cat Clinic - and I appreciate everything they did to help Sammy.
But I was desperate - praying for a miracle - otherwise I feared that I would have to put him down.
So I looked online for what to do for seizures - every vet website said the same thing - pheno...and some other heavy duty drug. Then I came across a website that said "Detox your pet" - so I started reading and came across Zetox. It is a negatively charged mineral - one of only 2 in nature. So I ordered it - overnight shipping - hoping for that miracle. And that is what I got.
One day in March - he had seizures most of the day - and I put about 3-4 drops of the Zetox drops in his evening feeding. That night - after the meal - hours later he had 2 seizures and that was it - none to follow. No seizures at all and I just give him maintenance drops (2 drops in his morning meal) once a day. Today he is seizure free.
At first I did not know what caused the seizures to start...I thought maybe he chewed on a plant, or a piece of plastic, or maybe his food was the cause, regardless, I found out one night while we were watching our new TV (about 2 weeks after starting the Zetox). As we were watching TV late one night, all the lights went off from the lamp timers - and Sammy started licking his lips over and over (a sign of stress or anxiety). Of course I asked Sammy if he was ok - and 2 hours later he had 2 seizures - and I immediately gave him the liquid zetox in some food, and he didn't have any more seizures since that day. We did see him do the licking of the lips about 4 days after that, when the lamp timers shut off all the lights, and we immediately turned on the lights back on and he was fine (no zetox needed).
So be very careful with your TV - the flashing and speed of the flashing can cause what is known as photosensitivity on both people and pets. It can cause seizures (epilepsy) in about 3% of people and I think about 5% in pets. Try the zetox - it certainly can't hurt.
Zeolite is the name of the mineral. Below is more information on the mineral. You can also check out more info at
As I figure - any illness and/or disease is caused by something that your body lacks, or that your body has too much of. I can't claim it is a cure-all mineral - but it has certainly helped my family a great deal.
There are probably thousands of testimonials online about people using either the powder Zeolite (pure 100% zeolite) or the liquid Zetox for cancer, arthritis, diarrhea, and all kinds of different ailments. I use it for my diabetes - since I have an A1C bloodtest every 3 months to test how my bloodsugars have been - and I was using zetox less than a month and my A1C improved by a full 1.0 point - that's amazing.
My sister has had rheumatoid arthritis since high school - and has been struggling with it for many years - she has been in pain every day of her life. She took it for one and a half weeks, and could not believe the improvement of her arthritis in her feet. She took the longest walk outside than she has taken in many years. Zetox has no side-effects and can be taken with any of your medications.
For Pets/Animals:
ZETOX - liquid zeolite is effective for people and animals, removing heavy metals, pesticides, herbicides, chemcials, PCB's, and other chemical poisons safely and naturally. It works very quickly and is easy to give to your pet. Just add the drops (2-3 drops for each of my cats) in their food (mixing into their food is VERY easy and is what I do daily) and give to your pets.
The liquid zeolite does not appear to do anything else, except remove poisons from the body. The zeolite mineral is so tiny (5 microns) it is able to permeate the intestinal lining, move into the bloodstream and immediately scavenges out toxins pulling them into its cage-like crystalline structure. The zeolite with the toxins imbedded in it leave the body through the elimination process, mainly the urine.
As these toxins are removed from the body of the animal, it has a "healing" affect on the immune system - thereby improving health due to the boost in the immune system due to the reduction in the toxic load on the body.
For People:
When taking the zeolite mineral, the properties of the mineral will allow it to "trap and remove heavy metals and toxins from the body" that each of us are exposed to vie the environment. Several studies published show that zeolite does indeed have the capability to act as a chelating agent, and detoxifier. Good news for all of us!
Zeolite enters the body through the intestinal wall, and travels through your body into the blood stream. Metals like mercury, chemicals, viral "parasites" or particles and other toxins in the body are trapped like a magnet, the Zeolite attaching the toxin into the cage like structure, and then excreted by the body with the poisons trapped in it's structure. If the Zeolite particles are not small enough to enter the bloodstream, it has the potential to clean up toxins in the digestive tract.
I like to think that I eat right - buying organic fresh foods, but I still love my processed foods - which have to contain toxins of some sort - because they (processed foods) are not natural - they don't come straight from your backyard garden...also, each time you step outside - you can not do anything about the exhaust fumes, toxins in dust, lead paint, genetically modified foods or any of the hundreds of thousands of toxins that exist in our environment.
Some of the areas for toxins in our everyday lives:
* Tap water
* Drugs, antibiotics - prescriptions (just listen to the warnings on the commercials), flea medications are highly toxic
* Plastics - dishes (pet and people), PCBs, chew toys
* Fire retardants and antimicrobials - children's clothing, pet bedding, lots of other comfort accessories
* Fertilizers, pesticides - You should always wash your pet's paws after a walk on the lawn (because they lick their paws).
* Grooming Products - hair and skin products contain chemicals which are absorbed though the skin - and for pets are licked off by the animal.
* Teflon chemicals - toxic fumes are released into the air when cooking with teflon(non-stick) pans. These fumes have been known to kill birds.
* Pet food that you buy in the grocery stores i.e. they contain fillers, chemical preservatives, Propylene Glycol, Nitrates, Heavy Metals
* Vaccinations
* Processed foods (GMOs) have insecticides due to genetically modified crops like corn, corn oils produced by the Bio-Tech companies
* Milk Milk can have hormones given to cows, or cows that have ingested genetically modified grains that have pesticides incorporated into the seed that grows the grain.
Any of the above information is strictly of my own belief. I firmly do believe that Zeolite is the best thing to use for detoxifying the body - or I wouldn't use it for myself, my children or my family.
More information about Zeolite and its properties, testimonials and research will be updated onto the website in May that information is coming soon! Here is the link:
Here is the website for the mineral: This mineral saved my cat's life. There is no other explanation for what happened. The mineral can be purchased below if you are interested in buying some for yourself or your pets.
One day in February 2013 - I heard what sounded like a cat on a piece of wood - and scratching as you tipped the wood over - as if the cat were trying to stay on the wood. That was my interpretation of the sound. My husband convince me that it was just the snow falling off of the roof. I said.."yea, could be"...and left it at that. The next day, Sammy my beautiful cat, ran through the house - extremely frightened - running low to the ground. Then he cried this horrible cry. I thought there was an animal outside so I ran to the windows - but didn't see anything. Then he did the same thing the next day and I noticed a drop of drool on his chin. So I picked him up and held him in my arms...that's when I realized that the scratching noise - came from him.
His nails were gone - completely - as if someone filed them down to nothing. Only 1 nail partially remained - and had been bleeding because it was cracked in half. So I now knew that scratching noise was from Sammy...but why?
Then he started having seizures - every hour, every day. Some days he had 10, other days he had them every 45 minutes. Sammy went on to have a few "grandmal" seizures. What a frightening thing to watch. His body twisted and flipped, his breathing was labored, foam dripping from his mouth...and the fear in his eyes...I will never forget. He went to the emergency a couple of times. He was put on Phenobarbital for seizures. Pheno as they call it - is not something that I wanted my cat to "have to live with" as the answer to his seizures. He was still having seizures even with the drug - and that one nail he had left - he pulled it out during another seizure - the vet said he de-clawed himself. I actually saw him chewing on his nail after a seizure but I thought he was just cleaning his foot. The veterinarian - Dr. Braun - was great at Catzablanca Cat Clinic - and I appreciate everything they did to help Sammy.
But I was desperate - praying for a miracle - otherwise I feared that I would have to put him down.
So I looked online for what to do for seizures - every vet website said the same thing - pheno...and some other heavy duty drug. Then I came across a website that said "Detox your pet" - so I started reading and came across Zetox. It is a negatively charged mineral - one of only 2 in nature. So I ordered it - overnight shipping - hoping for that miracle. And that is what I got.
One day in March - he had seizures most of the day - and I put about 3-4 drops of the Zetox drops in his evening feeding. That night - after the meal - hours later he had 2 seizures and that was it - none to follow. No seizures at all and I just give him maintenance drops (2 drops in his morning meal) once a day. Today he is seizure free.
At first I did not know what caused the seizures to start...I thought maybe he chewed on a plant, or a piece of plastic, or maybe his food was the cause, regardless, I found out one night while we were watching our new TV (about 2 weeks after starting the Zetox). As we were watching TV late one night, all the lights went off from the lamp timers - and Sammy started licking his lips over and over (a sign of stress or anxiety). Of course I asked Sammy if he was ok - and 2 hours later he had 2 seizures - and I immediately gave him the liquid zetox in some food, and he didn't have any more seizures since that day. We did see him do the licking of the lips about 4 days after that, when the lamp timers shut off all the lights, and we immediately turned on the lights back on and he was fine (no zetox needed).
So be very careful with your TV - the flashing and speed of the flashing can cause what is known as photosensitivity on both people and pets. It can cause seizures (epilepsy) in about 3% of people and I think about 5% in pets. Try the zetox - it certainly can't hurt.
Zeolite is the name of the mineral. Below is more information on the mineral. You can also check out more info at
As I figure - any illness and/or disease is caused by something that your body lacks, or that your body has too much of. I can't claim it is a cure-all mineral - but it has certainly helped my family a great deal.
There are probably thousands of testimonials online about people using either the powder Zeolite (pure 100% zeolite) or the liquid Zetox for cancer, arthritis, diarrhea, and all kinds of different ailments. I use it for my diabetes - since I have an A1C bloodtest every 3 months to test how my bloodsugars have been - and I was using zetox less than a month and my A1C improved by a full 1.0 point - that's amazing.
My sister has had rheumatoid arthritis since high school - and has been struggling with it for many years - she has been in pain every day of her life. She took it for one and a half weeks, and could not believe the improvement of her arthritis in her feet. She took the longest walk outside than she has taken in many years. Zetox has no side-effects and can be taken with any of your medications.
For Pets/Animals:
ZETOX - liquid zeolite is effective for people and animals, removing heavy metals, pesticides, herbicides, chemcials, PCB's, and other chemical poisons safely and naturally. It works very quickly and is easy to give to your pet. Just add the drops (2-3 drops for each of my cats) in their food (mixing into their food is VERY easy and is what I do daily) and give to your pets.
The liquid zeolite does not appear to do anything else, except remove poisons from the body. The zeolite mineral is so tiny (5 microns) it is able to permeate the intestinal lining, move into the bloodstream and immediately scavenges out toxins pulling them into its cage-like crystalline structure. The zeolite with the toxins imbedded in it leave the body through the elimination process, mainly the urine.
As these toxins are removed from the body of the animal, it has a "healing" affect on the immune system - thereby improving health due to the boost in the immune system due to the reduction in the toxic load on the body.
For People:
When taking the zeolite mineral, the properties of the mineral will allow it to "trap and remove heavy metals and toxins from the body" that each of us are exposed to vie the environment. Several studies published show that zeolite does indeed have the capability to act as a chelating agent, and detoxifier. Good news for all of us!
Zeolite enters the body through the intestinal wall, and travels through your body into the blood stream. Metals like mercury, chemicals, viral "parasites" or particles and other toxins in the body are trapped like a magnet, the Zeolite attaching the toxin into the cage like structure, and then excreted by the body with the poisons trapped in it's structure. If the Zeolite particles are not small enough to enter the bloodstream, it has the potential to clean up toxins in the digestive tract.
I like to think that I eat right - buying organic fresh foods, but I still love my processed foods - which have to contain toxins of some sort - because they (processed foods) are not natural - they don't come straight from your backyard garden...also, each time you step outside - you can not do anything about the exhaust fumes, toxins in dust, lead paint, genetically modified foods or any of the hundreds of thousands of toxins that exist in our environment.
Some of the areas for toxins in our everyday lives:
* Tap water
* Drugs, antibiotics - prescriptions (just listen to the warnings on the commercials), flea medications are highly toxic
* Plastics - dishes (pet and people), PCBs, chew toys
* Fire retardants and antimicrobials - children's clothing, pet bedding, lots of other comfort accessories
* Fertilizers, pesticides - You should always wash your pet's paws after a walk on the lawn (because they lick their paws).
* Grooming Products - hair and skin products contain chemicals which are absorbed though the skin - and for pets are licked off by the animal.
* Teflon chemicals - toxic fumes are released into the air when cooking with teflon(non-stick) pans. These fumes have been known to kill birds.
* Pet food that you buy in the grocery stores i.e. they contain fillers, chemical preservatives, Propylene Glycol, Nitrates, Heavy Metals
* Vaccinations
* Processed foods (GMOs) have insecticides due to genetically modified crops like corn, corn oils produced by the Bio-Tech companies
* Milk Milk can have hormones given to cows, or cows that have ingested genetically modified grains that have pesticides incorporated into the seed that grows the grain.
Any of the above information is strictly of my own belief. I firmly do believe that Zeolite is the best thing to use for detoxifying the body - or I wouldn't use it for myself, my children or my family.
More information about Zeolite and its properties, testimonials and research will be updated onto the website in May that information is coming soon! Here is the link:
Below are just a few pictures of Sammy with his younger brother Max.
Zeolite Pure

ZEOLITE PURE is the amazing all natural mineral Zeolite that has been proven to absorb the toxins, free radicals, and heavy metals from your body, as well as boosting the immune system without side effects. This mineral will balance the body's pH. Foreign cells cannot grow in a balanced pH environment. This mineral has been shown in independent studies to be effective fighting certain types of health issues. This is the form of Zeolite proven effective in all of the published scientific studies. All ingredients used are listed by the FDA as Generally Recognized as Safe. For those not wanting to take capsules, ZEOLITE PURE is pure powdered zeolite in an economical container. Features:
- The most economical and effective Zeolite detox on the market.
- Approx 90 servings per container.
- Very finely micronized Zeolite

DESTROXIN contains the amazing natural mineral Zeolite with a unique formula that has been proven to absorb the toxins, free radicals, and heavy metals from your body, as well as boost the immune system without side effects. This mineral has been shown to balance pH levels in the body. Foreign cells can not grow in a balanced pH environment. This is the form of Zeolite proven effective in all of the scientific studies. All ingredients used are listed by the FDA as Generally Recognized as Safe. Features: Destroxin was formulated by the original pioneer of Zeolite supplementation

ZEOLITE-AV is a breakthrough formula which contains 2 powerful all natural ingredients which have been shown to remove the toxins, free radicals, and heavy metals from your body, act as a viral fusion inhibitor, balance the pH in the body, and boost the immune system.
Our Zeolite is mined specifically for human consumption and under top quality control. This is the form of Zeolite shown effective in all of the scientific studies. Our Humic ingredient is a proprietary concentrated product not found anywhere else on earth. This specific Humic Acid has been shown in independent studies to coat and isolate the virus before it can attach to a healthy cell and multiply, thereby allowing our own immune cells (now optimized from the zeolite) to find and erradicate the virus. Features:
Our Zeolite is mined specifically for human consumption and under top quality control. This is the form of Zeolite shown effective in all of the scientific studies. Our Humic ingredient is a proprietary concentrated product not found anywhere else on earth. This specific Humic Acid has been shown in independent studies to coat and isolate the virus before it can attach to a healthy cell and multiply, thereby allowing our own immune cells (now optimized from the zeolite) to find and erradicate the virus. Features:
- Vegetable capsules
- Two capsules per serving
- Concentrated Humic Acid 40 times stronger than other humic acids on the market

Unlike other Liquid Zeolite products on the market, which use very small amounts of Zeolite mixed with water (that can grow dangerous bacteria), Regal Supplements ZETOX Zeolite suspension uses the highest amount of specially micronized Zeolite in a naturally antimicrobial base of proven beneficial vitamins which support more efficient use and benefits of Zeolite. Features:
- Increases oxygen in the blood flow which helps transport the Zeolite throughout the body more efficiently for a more complete detox.
- Highest potency of Zeolite per serving than in any other liquid Zeolite product
- Balances the bodys pH (foreign cells can not survive in a balanced pH)
- Enhances immune function
- Helps fight off the free radicals in the body that can damage the cell membranes and accelerate the aging process
- Helps reduce health issues in the body.
- Naturally increases overall energy
- Supports bone health
- Supports cardiovascular function and inflammatory response and maintains integrity of entire cardiometabolic system
- Inhibits cell mutation to improve the bodys resistance to health issues
- Improves nutrient absorption
- Improves metabolic function
- Diminishes toxic buildup
- Unlike water based supplements, which can grow dangerous bacteria, ZETOX is suspended in a natural anti-microbial base to ensure a safe and effective product
- ZETOX was formulated by the original pioneer of Zeolite supplementation
Royal Detox

Royal detox is a collection of the most effective natural detoxifiers. This unique formulation delivers the most balanced, complete, and thorough detox on the market today.
Apple Pectin, Chlorella, Cilantro, Spirulina, and Zeolite, individually possess the ability to bind with different heavy metals, toxins, and radioactive isotopes. By combining these powerful ingredients, Royal Detox multiplies and maximizes the spectrum of heavy metal and toxin removal, delivering the most comprehensive detox available.
Apple Pectin, Chlorella, Cilantro, Spirulina, and Zeolite, individually possess the ability to bind with different heavy metals, toxins, and radioactive isotopes. By combining these powerful ingredients, Royal Detox multiplies and maximizes the spectrum of heavy metal and toxin removal, delivering the most comprehensive detox available.
- Contains the most effective natural detoxification agents.
- High quality zeolite prevents a healing crisis by providing a transportation vehicle for heavy metals and toxins to be removed from the cells safely.
- Contains crystaloid electrolytes that carry the detoxifying ingredients directly to the cells making them 100% bio available.

ESDIFAN is a revolutionary, all natural product with a unique formula designed to stop diarrhea, the uncomfortable pains associated with diarrhea, and sour stomach. It will even work as a preventive. It is extremely effective for those who suffer from diarrhea without the negative side effects of over the counter drugs. All ingredients used in our products are listed by the FDA as Generally Recognized as Safe. Features:
- Removes excess fluid and acid in the digestive tract.
- Removes toxins from the digestive tract.
- Calms down the bowels to allow the body to heal itself.
- Esdifan uses a larger particle size zeolite to stay in digestive tract longer.
- Over 80% success
- Naturally increases overall energy
- Improves nutrient absorption
- ESDIFAN was formulated by a lifetime sufferer of chronic diarrhea.
Knight's Armor

With the depletion of nutrients in food these days, it has become more and more important to supplement your diet with vitamins and minerals to ensure you are getting the recommended amount. All-natural dietary supplements that support the consumption of necessary minerals are becoming a staple in diets.
Regal Supplements is no stranger to dietary supplements, especially when it comes to those products that promote healthy immune systems. Our Knights Armor immune supplement does just that. A combination of bio-organic humic and fulvic acids, it replenishes the nutrients in our body that we no longer get from food due to over farming. Knights Armor contains over 72 essential vitamins and minerals with branch chain amino acids. This product was created to help boost your immune system and protect your body from germs and diseases.
Marquee Mobility

Do you suffer from joint pain? There is no reason to continue to suffer through the discomfort. Joint pain tends to slow down those who are afflicted and stop them from doing the activities they enjoy. Suffering from aching, throbbing joints prevents individuals from living a full and satisfying life.
Regal Supplements offers a variety of all natural supplements that will help relieve pain and increase mobility and function in your joints. Our Marquee Mobility joint supplement is one of our featured products. Specially formulated to reduce inflammation and tenderness in your joints, this formula will get you back to doing what you love!
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The Regal Supplement Affiliate program offers you the opportunity to make significant income through sales of highest quality and most unique supplements on the market.
There is no membership fee, and sales experience is not required. Online training is provided. You can track your sales and monitor your commissions through your online Members Only Area.
The check is in the e-mail. Commission rebates are electronically deposited monthly into your PayPal account (if you do not have a PayPal account you can set one up at Be sure to use the same email address you used during the affiliate signup process).